Gloucestershire Youth Transport Needs Survey

20 April 2021

Stroud District Youth Council and the Gloucestershire Community Rail Partnership (GCRP) are seeking the views and opinions of all young people (between the ages of 10 and 25) in which to assess and improve transport across the county.

This is the most important survey to be carried out for many years regarding the travel needs of young people in Gloucestershire.

Positive changes to travel and transport, will improve young people’s access to current and future career options, as well as education and leisure opportunities.

If you are aged between 10 and 25 please take a look at the survey – participants will  have the chance to win one of four vouchers up to £50 in value!

The link to complete the survey is:

All results will be aggregated and no individuals will be identified as per the GDPR requirements and statement at the beginning of the survey.  If you have any questions relating to the survey process, please contact Hannah McDonnell at hannah@gloucestershirecommunityrail.orgwue-logo-250