Council Structure

The Town Council meets in full session monthly, on the third Monday of each month, including August. All Council meetings are open to the public. The Town Council meeting begins with a Public Forum where members of the public may raise matters of concern which will be noted. They may not be dealt with there and then, as all matters for decision must already be on the agenda for the meeting. Therefore they will be noted for further consideration or action. Please note that the October 2023 Town Council meeting will be held on Monday 23rd October instead of 16th October. This is due to Councillors unavailability as they will be attending a Stroud District Council wide meeting.

The Town Council also has various Standing Committees and Working Groups to cover various aspects of the Council’s work. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council will not be listed below as members as they are members of every committee and working party, ex-officio.


Meeting dates

Town Council meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7.00pm, unless otherwise advised.
Planning meetings are held on the last Monday of each month at 7.00pm, unless otherwise advised.

Please see our Council: Policies & Documents page for full details of meeting dates.

Committee Structure

The Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets on the last Monday of each month and all Councillors are members of this. The Chairman is Cllr Nicholas Pinnegar.  This committee is clerked by The Town Clerk .

It considers all planning applications received from Stroud District Council up to and including the day of the meeting. There is usually only a period of three weeks allowed for responses. This Council then sends the comments made by it to Stroud District Council.  It should be noted that these are recommendations only.  The District Council who may and do ignore our views, if they so decide, make the decision. If you have a strong view on an application, by all means copy the Town Council in to your representations but be sure to make your objection directly to the District Council.

Stroud District Council no longer send out paper copies of Planning Applications and Decision Notices. Electronic copies only are available, viewable by the public on the Stroud District Council website. If you do not have computer access at home, there are computers for public use at the Library and, by arrangement, in the Town Council One Stop Shop.

The Allotments Partnership

The Allotments Partnership deals with the two sets of allotments operated by the Council. It does not have regular meeting dates but meets about four times a year. Please enquire in the One Stop Shop for meeting dates.

This working group, in addition to elected Councillors, also has co-opted members including representatives of the allotment holders on both sites. The Chairman of the working group is Cllr Paul Barton.

Members: Cllr Terry Luker, Cllr Paul Barton, Cllr Jonathan Turner, Cllr Derek Thomas, Cllr Nicholas Pinnegar plus co-opted members

The Public Rights of Way and Amenities Partnership

The Public Rights of Way and Amenities Partnership also meets irregularly but roughly four times a year. This deals with issues concerning footpaths and amenity areas such as the Marchesi Streamside Walk, Holywell land and Conygre Wood which is owned and managed by the Town Council.  It also co-opts several members who have a particular interest in footpath issues.   The Chairman of the working group is to be agreed at the next meeting. The Assistant Clerk clerks the working group.

Members: Cllr John Cordwell, Cllr Terry Luker, Cllr Derek Thomas, Cllr Nicholas Pinnegar,  plus co-opted members

The Holywell Working Party has now been disbanded and management of the site is under the Public Rights of Way and Amenities Partnership.

The Finance & Special Purposes Committee

The Finance and Special Purposes Committee meets on an irregular basis.  It considers financial and audit matters and reports with recommendations to Town Council. The Town Clerk clerks this.

Members: Cllr John Cordwell, and Cllr Terry Luker, plus Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Town Regeneration Partnership

Members: Cllr Paul Barton, Cllr T Luker, Cllr N Pinnegar, Cllr Richard Hale, Cllr Alex Wilkinson, Cllr Jonathan Turner, plus co-opted members