Latest Gloucestershire Roadworks Bulletin

The latest Gloucestershire Highways bulletin on roadworks in the county is now available. This bulletin covers the period 31st July-9th August. Please select the following link to download the bulletin Road Works Bulletin 2020-07-31 to 2020-08-09. For the latest updates and more information please visit

Museum in the Park Offering Free Family Activity Packs and Mini Museum Challenge

Museum in the Park have a number of free family activity packs available, please select the following link for more information Free Museum Activity Pack poster. There is also “Make a Mini Museum” summer holiday challenge, please select the following link for more information Mini Museum family challenge poster.

Gloucestershire VCS Alliance News

TRAINING FUNDING YOUR VIEWS VACANCIES GENERAL NEWS Reflecting on Stage 2 of Covid Tracy Clark, CEO of Young Gloucestershire and InfoBuzz and a Trustee of the Alliance, has written a second blog on her experiences leading charities during Covid. With the pandemic likely to be around for some time she reflects on the daily challenges to think outside the box …

Assistant Clerk Required, Wotton Town Council

Wotton Town Council is seeking an Assistant Clerk to join our office team – 27 hours per week, office experience essential. For further information please select the following documents assistant clerk advert Wotton Town Council Aug 2020 Assistant Clerk job description July 2020 Assistant Clerk Person Specification Jul2020 WTC application form employment July 2020

Vacancy for Town Councillor

A vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for Wotton-under-Edge Town Council. For further information please select the following link: Parish Casual Vacancy notice July 2020

Gloucestershire VCS Alliance News

VACANCIES GENERAL NEWS Gloucestershire publishes its Covid-19 local outbreak management plan The plan covers, in detail, the ways in which the county council and its partners will work together to support and protect groups and settings across the county if there were to be a local outbreak of the coronavirus. Sarah Scott, Director of Public Health said: “The local outbreak …

Donate unwanted clothing and shoes to Great Western Air Ambulance

Do you have any unwanted clothing or shoes? Please consider donating to the Great Western Air Ambulance and help to save local lives. The GWAA relies on donations to provide this vital service. There is a collection point for clothing and shoes in the Civic Centre Car Park.

Gloucestershire VCS Alliance Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin –14 July 2020 The latest version of the main Funding Bulletin is available on the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance website at Emergency Funding Bulletin In light of the coronavirus the VCS Alliance continues to publish a separate bulletin with emergency funds. This is updated regularly on the website at Recent updates to the emergency bulletin include: The …

Latest Gloucestershire Roadworks Bulletin

The latest Gloucestershire Highways bulletin on roadworks in the county is now available. This bulletin covers the period from 9th July to 19th July 2020. Please select this link to download the bulletin. For more information and the latest updates please visit 

Wotton Swimming Pool now available for hire

Wotton Swimming Pool is now open for hire for six one-hour slots each day, to individual household groups or an organised group of up to 10 people. Booking and use of the pool is being managed under guidelines produced by Swim UK to ensure that it can be reopened safely. To help plan your visit please select the following links: …