Hear what’s been happening and have your say!
Each year an Annual Parish Meeting is held at which residents can have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish. This helps the Council with its priorities for the next year. Although the event is NOT a formal Parish Council meeting it is facilitated by the Wotton-under-Edge Town Council for the benefit of the community.
In recent years we have invited local clubs, societies and other voluntary and statutory organisations to provide information and/or a representative to speak about the work of their group. This year will be different, due to COVID restrictions, with the meeting being held on-line via Teams Meetings. Click here to join the meeting.
The Agenda and reports: APA 28th April 2021 – Pack
Anyone may attend and may ask questions of the Council, which will usually be answered by the Chairman, the Clerk to the Council, or a designated Councillor or noted for further research and actions.
Anyone may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of Wotton-under-Edge. This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.