Coronavirus and Governance
The NCVO has issued a blog discussing some key questions for trustees to consider when thinking about how best to support their organisations. These include:
- developing a plan for business continuity, identifying risks and responses
- whether the charity can refocus its activities, in line with its charitable purpose
- how to operate the most essential operations and services in the event of staff absences
- partnerships to continue to deliver services or provide new support
- support for and communication with employees, volunteers and beneficiaries
- immediate actions on financial management
- communication with funders about cancelling or delaying projects or reallocating funds
- using technology to meet and make decisions
- impact on corporate decision making, audits and filing deadlines as well as general meetings
The blog includes some practical guidance on holding Board meetings remotely and advice on AGMs and general meetings. Find it here.
Involving Volunteers
NCVO has refreshed its volunteer section with advice on involving and managing volunteers during the coronavirus outbreak. You can find its general coronavirus guidance at
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
The government has issued clarification following queries received, including:
- Confirmation of what should form the basis for furlough pay for employees furloughed on return from maternity/paternity/shared parental/adoption/sick/parental bereavement leave;
- Confirming employees subject to TUPE transfer/business reorganisation/ payroll consolidation can be furloughed;
- Confirming position for contractors in scope of IR35 in the public sector;
- More detail on what information employers need to claim the grant;
- Clarifying circumstances where an employee shouldn’t be furloughed by multiple employers
You can find the latest updates at and
Gloucestershire Funders
Gloucestershire Funders is a new collaboration between eight charitable foundations and organisations who can provide funding for charities, groups, people and activities, in Gloucestershire. After listening to charities to understand the impact of COVID-19 they are offering support in four ways.
1. Immediate responsive funding
2. Potential proactive funding
3: Mentoring and support to charity CEOs and Chairs
4. Longer-term recovery, redevelopment and support
The Gloucestershire Funders, in alphabetical order, are:
- Barnwood Trust
- Create Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire Disability Fund
- Gloucestershire Community Foundation
- National Benevolent Charity
- Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
- Summerfield Trust
- Thirty Percy Foundation
Read the full statement which sets out how you can apply for funds at
Are you supporting vulnerable people?
The VCS Alliance is trying to gather intelligence on the sector and changes to service provision that you may have introduced. The sector is at the frontline of supporting vulnerable individuals and we are looking to collate information on what services are available. Please let us know what you are doing and who you are supporting by filling out a quick survey. We are particularly interested to hear from organisations that have reshaped their service to meet local need in the following areas.
- Food
- Utilities & home circumstances
- Mental Health
- Personal Care
- Self-management of long term conditions
- Nature & horticulture
- Physical activity
- Creativity including arts & culture
- Befriending
- Digital advice
If you are currently providing help in any of these areas, please complete this short survey at
Remember if you wish to promote the services you are providing, the best way of doing this is to register with the help hub at
Free online workshops
The Growth Hub is offering a number of free online webinars with topics including marketing, social media, managing cash flow. Find out more at
Information from The Alzheimer’s Society – Raising awareness of dementia
- Help raise awareness of coronavirus-related financial scams
Being home alone whilst self-isolating could mean some people affected by dementia are more likely to be vulnerable to financial abuse.
Alzheimer’s Society have worked with National Trading Standards (Friends Against Scams) to develop a postcard which details different scams to look out for, as well as who to contact if you think you’ve been a victim. You can find it here. There is a blog with further information on what to look for, see it here.
- Ask your local shop to make changes to support people with dementia
You can ask your local shop to take four key actions to better support older people and those in vulnerable groups, including dementia, during this time:
- Move away from offering a dedicated hour for these individuals and create a system to ensure they are always provided with support and served as a priority
- Allow these individuals to the front of queues and keep behind critical items and essential packs for them to request
- Ensure local shops make their phone numbers available in posted letters, local newsletters and newspapers, so people can order deliveries over the phone
- Dedicate spaces, aisles and checkouts to these individuals so they can complete their shopping quickly
Read more from The Alzheimer’s Society here.
Helen Vaughan is looking for stories and examples of specific actions supporting people affected by dementia to share and inspire others. Please contact Helen, Joint Commissioning Manager, Dementia, Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group at
Support from Gloucestershire Carers Hub
The latest newsletter from Gloucestershire Carers Hub includes support and advice for carers, technology and exercise tips, virtual coffee mornings and online training. Find it at
Young Gloucestershire needs your help
Young Gloucestershire is currently recruiting volunteers for their COVID-19 response projects. The team is working flat out and continuing to respect social distancing. But they could do with a few extra pairs of hands. If you are not in an ‘at risk’ category and have been thinking you would like to do more to help, then get involved.
You need to be over 18, willing to complete a fast DBS check and ideally have access to a vehicle with a clean driver’s license. You could be helping to deliver essentials and food parcels or maybe accompanying one of the Youth Workers while they head out and encourage people to stay at home. Email a brief CV to and they will be in touch.
Child Friendly Gloucestershire
What would make Gloucestershire a better place to grow up? Young people across the county are being asked for their thoughts on how we can make the county a better place. Find out more and get involved at
Vacancies at Victim Support
Victim Support is an independent charity for people affected by crime in England and Wales. We work towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and respect they deserve.
We are looking for two Independent Victim Advocates for our new Adult service, one is a 37.5 hour post and the other a 22.5 hour post, based in the Gloucester office. The main duties include:
- Direct provision of end to end emotional and practical support to victims of crime or ASB throughout the criminal justice process, to help people cope and recover from the effects of crime
- To provide information, advice, guidance, casework and case management support to a cohort of specialist trained volunteers, and in conjunction with the Volunteer Manager allocate victims to volunteers for support where appropriate
Closing date for applications 9am on 28 April. Further details available at