March 2021
Wotton-under-Edge Town Council is taking part in a national campaign to encourage residents in England to stand in the 2021 local elections.
The aim of the Make A Change campaign is to call on people – especially those in the community with time to spare who are passionate about our local area – to put themselves forward to be elected to sit on the Town Council as a councillor. The campaign will run from 18th March 2021 to 6th April 2021.
Wotton-under-Edge Town Council will be holding “Contact your Councillor” sessions to give those who want to know more about being a local councillor the opportunity to get that information, and for us to also explain the good our council does for the local area. And we will be using posters and online information to aid our campaign.
Today, there are 10,000 local councils in England, with 100,000 councillors. They are the heroes of their communities and give residents a voice on the decisions the council makes. With this campaign, we want to let prospective councillors know that through the work of a councillor, they can make a real difference in our community.
The work our council does is both exciting and rewarding. Among the on-going projects are:
- Repairs to Town Hall Exterior
- Electric Vehicle Charge Point introduction
- De-carbonisation of Council buildings as part of our climate change initiative
- Development of future youth service provision
- Allotments Management and improvement
New projects the Council would like to undertake with new active members include:
- Footpath and footway surveys
- Re-build of Old Town Toilets
- OK path lighting
- Establishment of an expanded town market
- Management of Remembrance Sunday Parade
- Improve play areas and public open spaces
An integral part of this work is the job councillors do: engaging with local people, groups and businesses to find out their needs; making decisions on the services and projects the council should take forward; and getting involved to ensure services are meeting the community’s needs.
We are now asking people who want to improve the quality of life for their fellow residents to help Wotton-under-Edge Town Council to make that change and stand for election.
Election packs are available from Wotton-under-Edge Town Council, Civic Centre, 2 Gloucester Street, GL12 7DN. Tel: 01453 843210, or from Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud, GL5 4UB. Website:
Nominations must be returned by hand to Stroud District Council by 4pm on 8th April 2021.
Between 18th March and 6th April, anyone interested in becoming a Town Councillor is invited to contact any of the following existing Council members for more information about becoming a Councillor and the work of the Council:
Cllr Roger Claydon OBE (Mayor and Chairman) Email:
Cllr Nick Pinnegar (Deputy Mayor) Email:
Cllr Paul Barton, Email:
Cllr John Cordwell, Email:
Cllr Rich Hale, Email:
Cllr Terry Luker, Email:
Cllr Derek Thomas, Email:
Cllr Martin Tucker, Email:
Cllr Jon Turner, Email: