Councillors have been working hard scrutinising the spending of the Town Council as part of the setting of the budget for 2023/24. They had the very challenging task of ensuring there are budgets to enable the public, staff, buildings, cemetery, allotment sites, play areas, car parks, and open spaces are looked after and safe, and that the Council complies with legislation whilst recognising that council taxpayers are also having to deal with the increase in the cost of living.
The precept is the Town Council part of the Council Tax that is collected by Stroud District Council. It is calculated as part of the Town Council’s budget and fills the gap between the Town Council’s planned expenditure and its estimated income. The Town Council does not receive any direct funding from central government, or a subsidy from Stroud District Council, and therefore the precept is a necessary part of the Town Council’s income.
This year there was an increase on the precept for 2023/24 which, for a Band D rated property is 39p per week which equates to an extra £20.46 for the year, this will be shown as a 10.2% increase on the Council Tax invoice (this will be less for Band A to C properties).
The Town Council used some of its reserves to keep the precept to a minimum, however, the Council does not have large reserves like some Councils, and it must keep reserves to deal with emergencies, and to build reserves for community projects. Unlike some other towns, Wotton does not have major housing developments, and therefore there is little offsetting of the council tax resulting from them.
The Council considered the major projects that are being carried out and completed including the review and awarding of the youth services contract for the town; new car park off Symn Lane; the Town Hall repairs; the new build of the Old Town Toilets; the replacement of equipment in the Symn Lane play area; tree works following the major tree survey; and the repair of main paths in the allotments which were identified as a safety priority in the annual tenants meeting.
The Town Council is classed as a large Council due to the number of buildings and open spaces it manages. These must be maintained to a standard to ensure their safe use by the public and staff, to protect these valuable assets, and to ensure that more expensive costs are not stored up for the future.
The assets the Town Councils manages include:
Allotment sites at New Road and Knapp Road – the paths and boundaries need some major works which, in consultation with tenants, will be carried out in 2023/24
Cemetery and churchyards – a health and safety memorials audit has actioned a large amount of work to be carried out; the trees, hedges, and fencing need ongoing maintenance; the grass requires regular mowing
Civic Centre car park – the site is managed and maintained. The site is monitored for abandoned vehicles which the Town Council has to deal with.
Symn Lane play area – annually inspected by Health & Safety specialists, play area checks carried out by staff daily. The play equipment is getting old and needs more repairs and replacement. The grass requires regular mowing, hedges trimmed, and litter removed. Anti-social behaviour is monitored and managed in conjunction with the Police and other organisations.
Open Spaces including Holywell Leaze picnic area, Marchesi and Streamside Walk, Conygre Woods, Wotton Hill Clump, are all maintained and managed as part of Management Plans. The grass requires regular mowing, litter and obstructions removed, and damages repaired. Streamsfield is managed on behalf of the Recreational Trust. The stream is monitored for sewerage outflows and for other pollution, blockages, and litter removal to ensure the protection of the White Clawed Crayfish and other protected wildlife.
Various flower beds, planters, and borders require maintenance including planting, watering, mowing, litter removal.
Winter maintenance including ordering grit and salt for bins, snow clearance, and salt spreading. Flood warden duties.
Trees on Town Council land are regularly surveyed, the next full survey is due and will result in a tree management plan and priority works for 2023, the trees to be managed and maintained including damage resulting from storms.
CCTV system requires regular updating to ensure it can be used as evidence in court and insurance cases. The Town Council works closely with the Police.
Repair and maintenance, and replacement where necessary, of benches, noticeboards, bus shelters, signage, planters, gates, fences, walls, defibrillators, and the Tolsey Clock.
The Town Council manages and maintains the following buildings:
Town Hall (Grade II listed) on behalf of the Town Trust – extensive works to be carried out in 2023/24. Delays have been caused by the Planning process and the sudden death of the Council’s Project Manager resulting in the Council having to go through the Executors to retrieve the files before procuring a new Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor before putting the works out to tender.
Chipping Hall (Grade II listed), Heritage Centre, Youth Centre, Chipping Club Room on behalf of the Town Trust – building surveys to be carried out, regular maintenance and repairs, some of which required subsidy from the Town Council.
Civic Centre and Workshop – building surveys to be carried out, regular repairs and maintenance.
Symn Lane Car Park – being completed in 2023/24 – spaces for cars and coaches. Installing EV Chargers, CCTV, grit bins, noticeboard, lighting and landscaping. The car park will not be pay and display and will be free to use.
Old Town Toilets – delays due to the Planning process and change in building regulations. To be demolished and rebuilt in 2023/24.
Town Council van, equipment, machinery – to be maintained, repaired, and replaced as required
Christmas tree – provision, installation, and lighting, at the Tabernacle
Grants and contributions agreed for the following:
- Wotton Swimming Pool £28,000 for maintenance;
- Heritage Centre towards running costs;
- Wotton in Bloom towards the hanging baskets;
- Wotton Lions towards the Christmas trees;
- Wotton Library towards running costs;
- Synwell Playing Fields Association towards field improvement;
- The Keepers towards running a minibus;
- Air Ambulance towards running the service;
- Cobalt towards running the service and equipment;
- Tabernacle Church towards grass cutting;
- Citizen Advice Bureau towards providing free advice and support in Wotton
- Free use of Council facilities for fundraising by local community groups e.g. Council staff look after the hire of the buildings on behalf on the Town Council and the Town Trust which includes the hire of the Town Hall for community groups running Town Hall Teas which have the use of the Town Hall for free, so running costs, for example energy, cleaning etc, are already paid for therefore the organisations can keep all funds/donations taken;
Administration and delivery of services of the Town Council – the demands on the Town Council from central government, County and District Councils, and the public, has significantly increased. An independent staff review was carried out which found the staff were underpaid and the Council was under-resourced. The Council has actioned its employment duty requirements. A review of the IT has resulted in an upgrade and cyber-security management. Annual health and safety inspections must be implemented, and actions taken to ensure public and staff safety.
Youth Service contract – a youth service review is commissioned for 2023 to include consultations with young people and organisations including schools and the Police. This will lead to a new service being commissioned later in the year. Alternative youth service provision put in place for 2023 whilst the review is carried out.
Climate Change Action Plan – the Council is working through the actions to include EV Chargers, decarbonisation of its buildings, developing a Biodiversity Action Plan for Wotton under Edge.
Town Regeneration – regular town meetings are held, actions include improving the town, developing the visitor economy to support businesses, holding events such as Christmas, Coronation, Remembrance Parade; development of a Town Community Plan.
The Town Council is not responsible for the public highways or approving planning permission, but the Council continues to report and to lobby Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud District Council on matters that are important to the community.
The agreed Town Council’s budget including precept for 2023/24: Budget 2023-24