Your views are URGENTLY needed on reopening of high streets (Please respond by noon on Wednesday)

We have a chance to get some funding and your opinions would be valued

Martin Tucker is to attend a zoom meeting next week not only as a Town Councillor but also as President of the Wotton-under-Edge Chamber of Trade which means that he will also be able to properly represent your views.

The Government has given a grant to the Stroud District Council (SDC)  of 106k to help towns and parishes across the district plan for the reopening of high streets (obviously now retrospectively).

The Town Council has the opportunity to request monies to support any of the topics listed below.

Martin is asking for your views but he does need them urgently.

The meeting is next Thursday, June 25th so he needs your comments by midday on Wednesday, 24th June.

So please take a look at the information below and let him have your response by email as soon as possible:

The guidance is fairly specific about what this funding can be spent on:

  • Actions Plans to establish safe re-opening;
  • Public Information activity to make public aware of measures being taken to ensure their safety;
  • Awareness campaign making businesses aware of what they need to do and what help is available;
  • Temporary changes to the physical environment which enhance existing measures to increase safety.   Any changes must be temporary (last no more than 12 months).  Funding to support existing activities is not permitted, nor is any Capital Expenditure.   Grants to businesses for physical adaptation, PPE, equipment, goods and wages are not allowed.

With the above in mind we need to think about:

  • Signage for social distancing measures
  • One way pedestrian flows up/down High/Long Street
  • Barriers to narrow road to make footways wider
  • Stopping on-street parking (!)
  • Restricting (Stopping?) traffic up High/Long Street restricting delivery times
  • Footway distance marking
  • Distance marking for busy stores such as Coop and Tesco and separation measures between those queuing and passing by
  • Hand sanitisation stations
  • Other Measures to help traders (within the rules)

Obviously, once we have an agreement on measures they can be put into an action plan and published.

Martin can be contacted by email by simply clicking on the link below but don’t forget that he needs your response by next Wednesday.

Thank you very much in anticipation and in your response could you please state whether you are a trader or member of the public. 

Contact Martin by email
